Yet another Hogwarts dropout
Seen on Yahoo! News:
Harry Potter Fan’s Magic Attempt Sets House Ablaze
MADRID (Reuters) – A woman set her Madrid home on fire as she cooked up a potion in an attempt to imitate the fictional wizard Harry Potter (news – web sites), emergency services said.
The 21-year-old was rescued Wednesday by firemen and treated for minor injuries, but half her home was destroyed.
The ambulance service said she had told them she was trying to emulate the boy magician, hero of the books by J K Rowling that have been a sensation among adults and children alike.
For want of more magical ingredients, the woman cooked up a potion of water, oil, alcohol and toothpaste, local media reported. It was unclear what spell she was trying to weave.
Looks like somebody flunked Potions. But in all seriousness, while it’s enheartening to know that quixotry isn’t dead, this is probably not the best way to go about it. And let’s face it – this is actually rather tame compared to that one woman who drowned doing that Kate Winslet thing on the prow of a cruise ship some years back. Why can’t people do healthy activities nowadays, like building astromech droids?