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Separation of Powers, Part II

Sunday, 21 September 2003 — 10:34am | Studentpolitik

Despite my initial excitement, the 9 September Students’ Council meeting was not all that exciting. In fact, much of it was a testament to inefficiency, as Council spent a good segment of the meeting swabbing the deck of miscellaneous Standing Orders such as the regular singing of O Canada. Last Thursday’s issue of The Gateway was quick to jump all over this one in the return of Council Forum. The real issue to address, that of the separation of Students’ Union powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches, did not make it to the Second Reading.

The Minutes for that meeting are bundled with the 23 September agenda. Here’s hoping they get to the actual legislative business within an hour this time around. As far as the Separation motion goes, I expect no less than a fierce fight on both sides of the coin – but failing that, could it at least be entertaining?

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Legislate this!

Monday, 8 September 2003 — 12:07pm | Studentpolitik

The Students’ Council agenda for tomorrow night’s meeting has been posted. Somewhere in the world, a baby is crying.

The big motions of the evening concern the Internal Review Board’s complete overhaul of the underlying structure of Students’ Union governance. The proposal is for a complete separation of the executive, judiciary and legislative powers; to sum it up, the Executive loses its votes on Council, Council can no longer mess with Executive Committee Reports, and neither has any hand in the interpretation of SU bylaws and policies. See the agenda for details.

The long and the short of it is that this is going to be a very messy ordeal, especially if the webboard discussion on the subject is any indication.

This has “gong show” written all over it. I’m bringing popcorn.

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Crazy Dough-Nuts University

Tuesday, 15 July 2003 — 12:50pm | Studentpolitik

For those of you who are unaware, and the few among you who give a damn, the replacement for Tim Horton’s in the University of Alberta Students’ Union Building has been named – cue drumroll – “Cram Dunk”. Read all about the doughnut shop naming contest and the announcement of the winner here.

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